legs workout

Hello friends this is Himanshu here today I am going to discuss legs workout. In this blog today I will tell about different legs exercise. Complete three sets of each, resting for 30 to 40 second between sets. Aim for sets of 10 to 15 reps. If that's beyond your leg efforts, just do the best you can. 1. Front squat 2. Dumbles step up 3. Squats 4. Leg press. 5. Walking lunges 6. Barbell hip thrusts 7. Toe raise 8. Hip thrust 1. Front squat Set the barbell infront of your shoulder keeping your chest up and core tight bend at your hips and knees to lower in to squat position until your thighs are perpendicular to the floor. Straight your hips and knees when you can drive up to starting position. 2 . Dumbles step ups Hold the pair of dumbles in both hand at your sides and place a one foot on a bench and box, your knees at 90 degree And other leg straight and properly touch on the floor . Push your shoulder back and. Chest up . Push your...