How to make a strong forearms

Dear friends this is himanshu here and today  I am going to  discuss  some forearms  excercise so I will explain different exercises and you can make the strong forearms.

In this blog today i am gonna discuss my views on a forearm  workout and how can you make yourself fit by staying at home itself

Today I will tell you about the main part of body means forarms . Forearm exercise stretch and strengthen the muscle crossing your hands , wrist and elbows .
These are the muscle used in a daily life for task such as the  opening a glass jar and it's also increases grip strength and if you lift a weight than forms play a important role .

1. Wrist circles 
Sit and your spine straight , shoulders rolled back and look forward 
Extend your hand forward at the shoulder level and fold each Palm in to a fist 
Keep your elbows fix , turn your wrist to a right ,flex them up and flex down left turns it up 
Repeat 10 times and than reverse the direction repeat 10times

2 Wrist roll excercise 
  1. Hold a rod  with both hands. Keep ,your legs hip-width apart, elbows slightly bent, and palms facing your body.
  2. Flex your left wrist and extend your right wrist. In doing so, you will roll the rod  inward. Do this 10 times.
  3. Reverse the direction. Extend your left wrist and flex your right wrist. When you do this, the rod  will roll outward. Do this 10 times.
3.Cherry pickers 
Your arms would be straight out to the sides and your palms facing down 
Extend your fingers our far as possible and clench your hands into fist and then release them . Repeat 10 times 
Standing position like this 

4.Inner  wrist curls 
Your hands would be straight by your side and your palms , clench your hands into a fist and than flex your wrist upward and your hands into a fist for the 60 seconds.

5.Forward wrist curls 
Your arms  infront of you and your palms facing down. Flex your wrist upward and keep your hands clenched together as hard as you can .

So guys you all know that today.  I explained some forearm excercise. Forearm exercise stretch and strengthen the muscle crossing your hands , wrist and elbows .These are the muscle used in a daily life. 

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