How to become taller
Dear friends this is himanshu here today I am discussing to these exercise which can help you to become taller.
In this blog today I will tell you how to become taller . In the world 50 percent of people small in height so today I will give you some tips with the help of these tips you can grow your height.
These are the some stretching exercises .
- Hanging exercise
- Downward dog
- Bhujangasana cobra pose
- Running
- Jumping on toe
- Swimming
Do three set of each exercise and take rest of 1 min between sets
Hanging exercise
Jump up and hang on to the bar
Arm and spine straight
Remain the position for 25 sec.
Downward dog
Set your knees directly below your hips .
Your hands slightly forward of your shoulders
Spread your palms index finger parallel and turn your toes.
Bhujangasana or cobra pose
You can do regular cobra pose it can improve the lung capacity and reduce stress simulates the many organism in the body
Place your palms flat on the ground directly under your shoulders bend you elbow straight back and hug them in to your side
Pause for a moment looking straight down at your mat with your neck in neutral position.
Inhale to lift your chest off the floor roll your shoulders back and keep your low ribs on the floor
Keep you neck neutral .Don't crank it up.
Running is the another exercise to grow your height and it's increase the stamina.
Running in human is associated with improved health and life expectancy and it gives full stretching to the body.
Jumping on toe
There are so many benefit to jumping on toe and jumping is use to warm up the body .
Jump rope is one of the best workout you can do .
It is extremely effective to the weight loss.
- Complete full body workout.
- Keep your body warm up.
- Use to boost metabolism.
- Portable you can do anywhere
Swimming is consistently among the top public recreational activities and in some countries swimming lesson is the essential for the students.
Swimming is an excellent way to work your entire body And cardiovascular system
An hour's of swimming burn almost as many calories.
if you are in teen age then it is the right age to start cycling . teenage is the time when most people attain maximum height cycling is the best exercise for teen to make their leg stretch.conclusion
so guys all you know that today i explained some exercise which can help to grow your height. Height play a important role in a body and now a days there is a major issue of height because personality is also depend upon height. so i am telling uh today how you can easily increase your height in teen age.