Abdominal and oblique workout at home

Dear friends this is himanshu here and today    I am going to  discuss  abs excercise so I will explain different exercises and you can make the abs 

In this blog today i am gonna discuss my views on a abs  workout and how can you make yourself fit by staying at home itself.

Abdominal exercise are type of strength exercise those that affect the abdominal 
Muscles. Abdominal exercise improve the back strength means reduce the back pain .It support the posture ,builds functional strength and last one it's create Better balance.

Today I will discuss abs exercise.

complete three set of each ,resting  for 1 mins between sets.
aim for set 10 to 15 reps.

1 Lower abs 
2. Upper abs 

1 .lower abs 

Windscreen wipers

 Doing windscreen wipers lying  down will built the rotational  core strength. Lie on your back on the floor and raise your legs 90 degree and than rotate . Spread your arms straight out to your side for support.

Legs raise in to flutter kicks

The leg raise is a strength training excercise. It is a isolation excercise.
By raising your legs above your  body
It target your lower abs and hip muscles.


2 Upper abs 

Toe touchers

Lie with your back on mat raise your feet up so your back and feet are at 90 degree angle extend your arms towards your shins.and than reach up to touch your toes then return to starting position.

3 obliques 

Ankle taps

Target your obliques and the rest of your core with this simplest movement. Lay flat with knees bend and feet flat on the floor. Lift your shoulder  off of the ground and alternate tapping the outside of your ankles with each hand keeping your core tight throughout.


Lie down your back.plant your feet on the floor . Bend your knees and place your arms acrosss your chest .
Exhale and lift your upper body ,keeping your head and neck relaxed
Inhale and return your starting position


 so guys you know all that today i explained the abs workout and also explained the benefits
every person wants abs and burnout fat so with the help of this  blog you can do the exercise at home.

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